I’ve liked this Japanese-style archway in Cottam, Preston since I was a teenager. The area it’s in always seems really quiet and peaceful. I’ve wanted to paint it for a while and today was the day!
It was drizzling the entire time I was painting, which was quite nice at first. But towards the end it got a bit too heavy. It was splashing ultramarine from my palette on to the painting, my brushstrokes weren‘t sticking, and it was even washing off paint from the canvas in places. So I packed up a bit earlier than I wanted. I had to clean up the painting when I got home while the paint was still wet, as the rain drops leave little imprints all over the surface.
It rained a lot when I visited Japan a few years ago. It was torrential one day when I visited a temple. An old lady on a bike stopped and gave me her umbrella. I said I didn’t need it but she shoved it in my hand and rode off before I could thank her properly. While I was painting today I imagined I was back there for a moment. Ah... I do hope we can go travelling again soon.